Fwd: CORRECTION: Help Subaru Choose a Charity

Em 9/09/2011 11:43:00 PM

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From: Care2 Action Alerts <actionalerts@care2.com>
Date: 2011/9/7
Subject: CORRECTION: Help Subaru Choose a Charity

Dear Anne: We had some trouble with our links today – if you were unable to take action for the charity you want added to this year's Subaru "Share the Love" event, please vote now! »
Thank you for all you do! - The Care2 Campaign Team

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Help us choose one of these charities for this year's share the love event.
Vote for the charity you want added to the Subaru "Share the Love" event

Subaru knows their owners care. That's why they created the annual "Share the Love" event, where for every new Subaru that's leased or sold, a $250 donation is made to the owners' choice of charities.

This year, they need your help to choose one of those charities. Go to the Subaru Facebook page to cast your vote for the American Red Cross, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals®, Make-A-Wish Foundation® or Teach For America.

Vote for your favorite charity daily until September 15th, and please spread the word to your friends. Together, we can all make a big impact.

Over the last three years, nearly $15 million has been donated, and Subaru expects another $5 million to be donated when the event returns this year.

Vote for a charity now
Thanks for your support, Care2

Care2.com, Inc.
275 Shoreline Drive, Suite 300
Redwood City, CA 94065

Anne Brito

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Não posso fazer tudo, mas posso fazer alguma coisa.

E por, não poder fazer tudo, não deixarei de fazer o pouco q posso."

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