Help PETA Expose the Horrors of Animal Testing

Em 3/05/2011 05:04:00 PM

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From: Ingrid Newkirk <>
Date: 2011/2/28
Subject: Help PETA Expose the Horrors of Animal Testing

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PETA - This shelter doesn't always protect animals.
Dear Anne,

Last year, we exposed the North Utah Valley Animal Shelter's betrayal of dogs like Chance -- selling them for use in cruel and deadly experiments. They're still at it!  We need your help to stop this cruel practice today. Donate Now The betrayal continues.

Do you remember when I told you about Chance last year? Here is how shelter workers described him: "Loves fetch and belly rubs. Sweet dog. Good for a family."

That's what was on Chance's intake form at the North Utah Valley Animal Shelter (NUVAS). The form was completed just weeks before he was sold by NUVAS to the University of Utah (the U) for use in deadly experiments.

Today, NUVAS continues to betray animals like Chance by selling them for use in deadly animal tests.

Please send a gift to PETA to help us expose the horrors of animal experimentation and free animals from cruel imprisonment.

We may never know what became of Chance. We do know that experimenters at the U cut holes into the chests and necks of dogs from NUVAS, implanted pacemakers into their hearts to induce irregular heartbeats, and then killed and dissected them. They also drilled holes into the skulls of cats from NUVAS and used others for training exercises in which they repeatedly forced hard plastic tubes down the cats' delicate throats.

Descriptions of all these animals were recorded on the shelter's intake forms. They were described as "very cute," "cuddly," "good with children," "housebroken," able to "sit and shake hands," etc. In other words, they have qualities that remind us of our own beloved animal companions.

PETA wants NUVAS to stop betraying the very animals it is charged with protecting. It is the only shelter in Utah that still sells animals for experimentation — and continues to do so despite tens of thousands of letters and e-mails asking them to end this horrible practice.

You can help us keep the pressure on NUVAS by sending a special gift to PETA today.

Our undercover investigation of the University of Utah and its appalling treatment of dogs and cats led to a repeal of the mandatory pound-seizure law in that state. All the Utah pounds that were exposed by our investigation and that were revealed to be supplying the university have closed their doors to animal experimenters — except for NUVAS. We will push NUVAS to change its ways, and we will also fight for the millions of other individual animals in U.S. laboratories who undergo painful experiments in which they receive electric shocks, have their heads cut open, are force-fed chemicals or worse, and are condemned to a lonely, frightening life in a cage.

Animals are not ours to experiment on. PETA's work has helped end many cruel experiments, exposed violations of federal law, prompted the government to take back money from animal experimenters, closed the doors of animal shelters to laboratories, and provided funding that has led to the development, validation, and use of modern, effective non-animal tests. We have more scientists on staff than any other animal protection group, and they've convinced U.S. and international regulators to cancel tests that would have killed millions of individual animals.

We won't stop until we cut off the supply of animals to laboratories and succeed in mandating the use of humane methods in place of cruel tests on animals. Please help us continue our work by donating today.

Kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk

P.S. Animals like Chance don't deserve to be subjected to the cruelty of animal experimentation. The abuse of millions of individual animals in U.S. laboratories must stop. Please help PETA expose the horrors of animal testing and shut down the supply of dogs, cats, and other animals to laboratories.
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  This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.

Anne Brito

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