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NRDC - Frances Beinecke <biogemsdefenders@savebiogems.org> Date: 2011/10/3
Subject: Help send NRDC back to court to defend the polar bear
 |  |  |  |  |  | Dear Anne, The trophy hunting lobby is taking aim at the polar bear ... again. Just months ago, thanks to your support, we staved off the trophy hunters' last attack when a federal court ruled that the polar bear deserved lifesaving protections under the Endangered Species Act. Now, the trophy hunting lobby is appealing our victory and we must rush to the polar bear's defense once again. We need your immediate help to wage and win this courtroom battle. Please make an online donation to send NRDC back to court to fight for the vital protections that the polar bear urgently needs to survive. Otherwise, this magnificent animal could face extinction in Alaska within 30 years. As you may remember, the courtroom assault on the polar bear was first launched by ex-Governor Sarah Palin. She was joined by trophy hunting groups because the Endangered Species Act forbids those hunters from importing polar bear skins and other "trophies" into the U.S. -- as it must! They lost their case in court. But now they are appealing because they are determined -- for the sake of blood sport -- to strip the polar bear of its protections and win back the right to import trophies. Please help us win this next round for the polar bear in federal appeals court. Let's face it, the world no longer has any polar bears to spare -- and certainly not to end up as a rug in front of somebody's fireplace. Scientists warn that nearly all of the polar bear's summer sea ice could disappear by 2040. Without the protection of the Endangered Species Act, the polar bear stands to be the first species to lose 100 percent of its habitat to global warming. If polar bears are to have a fighting chance at survival, we simply must turn back every new attack on them by trophy hunters, the oil lobby and other special interests. Your past support has enabled us to get this far in our campaign to save the polar bear from extinction. But we can't win this next round in appeals court without your help. Please make a tax-deductible donation right now. You'll be helping ensure that there is still a place for polar bears on this earth. Sincerely,  Frances Beinecke President Natural Resources Defense Council |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  NRDC takes pride in our careful stewardship of your contributions. Donations to this campaign will be used to protect polar bears and defend the environment in the most effective way possible. | |
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Anne Brito
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