Click here to view this message online in your web browser. Urgent: Act Today To Stop Reid Park Zoo In Tucson From Separating Long-time Elephant Friends Please submit the form at this page to send your comments immediately! Tucson City Council may act any day!
Connie and Shaba have been together at the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson since 1982 when Connie was 15 and Shaba was just 2. They have been deeply bonded since the day they were first brought together. Now, after nearly 30 years, the zoo wants to separate them and send Connie away. Not only is this wrong, it contradicts what the public and the city were told by the zoo about the new elephant exhibit – that it would be a new home for Connie and Shaba. Click here to send a message right now! When an attempt was made in 2005 to send Connie and Shaba to a spacious, natural habitat sanctuary the zoo fought back, saying the two elephants should not be moved or separated. Media sources reported zoo director Susan Basford as saying: "These animals, if at all possible, should stay together." The City Council later approved funds for construction of a new exhibit meant for Connie and Shaba. Now that the zoo has nearly completed construction of its multi-million dollar elephant display, Connie and Shaba's close bond doesn't seem to matter any longer. The zoo plans to send Asian elephant Connie to the San Diego Zoo. It will bring a group of African elephants (a bull and two females with calves) to the Reid Park Zoo from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, and try to integrate Shaba with them. There is absolutely no guarantee that she will integrate with the group; if not, she would be moved to another zoo. Tomorow - Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - the Tucson City Council will hold an important study session to discuss the issue and may even act on it. Please tell them today that the world is watching and cares deeply about the fate of these long-time elephant companions. Urge them to find a compassionate solution that respects Connie and Shaba's lifelong bond. ![what you can do:]() ![take action button blue]() Click here to send a message to Tucson's mayor and council members. Ask them to have a heart and stop the separation of Connie and Shaba. Please be sure to personalize your message as much as possible to make it more effective.
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