Fwd: Demand Justice for 100 Slaughtered Sled Dogs

Em 2/06/2011 02:58:00 PM

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From: Care2 Action Alerts <actionalerts@care2.com>
Date: 2011/2/5
Subject: Demand Justice for 100 Slaughtered Sled Dogs

Care2 subscriber since Feb 9, 2007   |  Read the Petition
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Prosecute for the Slaughter
of 100 Sled Dogs!
Protect Sled Dog's Lives
Take Action!
Hi Anne,

One hundred healthy sled dogs were slaughtered by Outdoor Adventures Whistler in April of 2010.

Demand justice for this mass slaughter. »

After bookings for their Dogsled Tours slumped following the Winter Olympics, Outdoor Adventures Whistler ordered a decrease in the size of the company's dog pack. When a vet refused to euthanize the healthy animals, an employee took the culling into his own hands, using a gun and a mass grave.

Many dogs needed to be shot twice, and there are reports that some were buried alive.

The British Columbia SPCA is investigating the case. These beautiful animals deserve justice for what happened to them.

Join us in making sure this tragedy never happens again. »

Thanks for making a difference!


Take action link: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AgBuD/zK1./XSVh

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Anne Brito

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