Fwd: Your signature still needed to save these last 340 belugas.

Em 6/06/2011 07:38:00 PM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NRDC - Frances Beinecke <biogemsdefenders@savebiogems.org>
Date: 2011/6/6
Subject: Your signature still needed to save these last 340 belugas.

Dear ...,

Won't you take just a few seconds to speak out for 340 beluga whales that are clinging to survival? The proposed Pebble Mine could push these amazing creatures over the edge into extinction. Tell the Anglo American corporation you won't stand for it! And please do it now; it's a matter of survival.


Natural Resources Defense Council

Dear Anne,


The Pebble Mine threatens two different populations of beluga whales. We can't let the mining giants sacrifice these amazing creatures for the sake of corporate profits. Speak out now!


There are only five populations of belugas left in Alaska and the proposed Pebble Mine threatens two of them!

Please sign our new Petition to stop the Pebble Mine and save beluga whales.

Alaska's Cook Inlet beluga population is down to its very last 340 individuals. But if mining giant Anglo American gets its way, the white whale's habitat will be invaded by a new port, increased shipping traffic and pollution plus other industrial activity -- all to service the monumentally destructive Pebble Mine.

Meanwhile, Bristol Bay's population of some 1,600 belugas depend for their survival on the bay's world-renowned salmon runs, which could be destroyed by Anglo-American's mega-mine and its estimated 10 billion tons of contaminated waste.

Tell Anglo American that you refuse to sacrifice Alaska's beluga whales to the corporate bottom line.

Thanks to your activism and support, we fought for and won endangered species status for Cook Inlet belugas -- also called "sea canaries" for their incredibly beautiful songs. More recently, the Obama Administration designated 3,000 square miles of Cook Inlet as "critical habitat" for these endangered whales.

You and I didn't fight to save these last 340 belugas, only to see them wiped out by the Pebble Mine! That's one more big reason we need to stop this mine before it starts.

Please make your voice heard on behalf of belugas. Tell Anglo American to abandon its plans for the Pebble Mine now.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council


We appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other NRDC BioGems Defenders. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will never sell, exchange or rent your email address.

Anne Brito

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