Fwd: Time is running out: Protect Arctic seals

Em 10/01/2011 03:21:00 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tatiana Marshall, Oceana <wavemaker@oceana.org>
Date: 2011/9/30
Subject: Time is running out: Protect Arctic seals

ACTION UPDATE: We just delivered 32,969 signatures to the US government as part of our fight to protect the Arctic from dirty and dangerous offshore drilling.

But oil companies aren't backing down. And neither are we.

Join the fight and donate today to save seals and belugas from drilling and future oil spills »

For the oceans,
Tatiana Marshall

Protect Dolphins & Turtles from Offshore Drilling

Dear Anne,

Don't let seals and belugas die in an Arctic oil spill

Oil companies are clamoring to start drilling in the Arctic, where countless seals, beluga whales, and other animals would be put at risk. There is currently no way to effectively clean up and oil spill in ice choked waters. When the inevitable oil spill happens, oily coats can't keep seals warm, so they will freeze to death – if they can avoid inhaling toxic fumes.


We are filing legal actions to halt offshore oil leasing and exploration, educating policymakers about the dangers of offshore drilling, and working with local communities to research special areas of the Arctic, but we need your help.

Please donate now to help us continue our fight to protect seals, beluga whales, and our world's oceans »

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Check out photos, exclusive stories, and more »

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Anne Brito

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