Don't let Wyoming's wolves be shot on sight

Em 1/12/2012 05:39:00 PM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NRDC - Frances Beinecke <>
Date: 2012/1/11
Subject: Don't let Wyoming's wolves be shot on sight

Natural Resources Defense Council

Dear Anne,

Wolves in the Crosshairs Again! Wolf

Wyoming's wolves urgently need your help.

Officials at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service are poised to strip these imperiled wolves of their protections under the Endangered Species Act and leave them at the mercy of a deadly state management plan.

Tell the Fish & Wildlife Service that you strongly oppose its plan to abandon Wyoming's wolves to state control.

Last summer, the State of Wyoming and the Obama Administration reached an agreement over Wyoming's long-disputed wolf management plan. Unfortunately, that plan is potentially disastrous for the state's 300-400 wolves -- allowing them to be shot on sight across almost 90 percent of Wyoming.

Wolves throughout much of the state could be wiped out -- unless there is a nationwide outcry against this unconscionable plan.

Send a message demanding that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service require Wyoming to strengthen its wolf management plan and keep Wyoming's wolves on the endangered species list until that state has a strong conservation plan in place.

Thank you for standing up for Wyoming's wolves in their hour of need.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council


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Anne Brito

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