Fwd: Wolves: It's getting ridiculous.

Em 1/01/2012 03:32:00 AM
---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: "Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife" <defenders@mail.defenders.org>
Data: 26/12/2011 11:06
Assunto: Wolves: It&apos;s getting ridiculous.
Para: <sweetygirl2002@uol.com.br>

Aerial gunning, bounties, shoot-on-sight policies -- our wolves are facing urgent threats.

Even if you've never donated before, now is the time to make a difference for wolves and other wildlife. Please make a year-end, tax-deductible donation today to help save wildlife.

Stop the War on Wolves: Your year-end, tax-deductible donation will support Defenders work to save wolves and other wildlife -->Donate Now

Anti-wolf sign (Photo: Suzanne Stone/Defenders of Wildlife)

Anti-wolf extremism is what we're up against in the fight for a lasting future for our wolves -- and it's the most dangerous weapon the anti-wolf crowd has.

Help Save Our Wolves -- Donate Now

Please make a year-end, tax-deductible donation now to help Defenders of Wildlife lay the groundwork for sensible, science-based solutions to ensure a lasting future for America's wolves and other wildlife.

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Dear Wildlife Supporter,

Federal sharpshooters are preparing to gun down up to 75 wolves from aircraft on public lands in Idaho, capitulating to the misguided fears of anti-wolf extremists.1 Montana "sportsmen" are offering $100 bounties for dead wolves.2 Some radicals are even calling for the "wolf war, round two."3

If it seems ridiculous, it's because it is. But this extremism is what we're up against in the fight for a lasting future for our wolves -- and it's the most dangerous weapon the anti-wolf crowd has.

Please make a year-end, tax-deductible donation now to help Defenders of Wildlife stop aerial gunning in Idaho and lay the groundwork for sensible, science-based solutions to ensure a lasting future for America's wolves and other wildlife.

Our fight for wolves isn't about inflamed rhetoric. It isn't about extreme measures. It's about treating wolves and other native wildlife as they should be -- as natural parts of a balanced ecosystem.

That's why we're working on the ground with those who are living closest to these amazing animals -- and have the most at stake. Our pioneering work with ranchers in the heart of wolf country has saved countless wolves by protecting livestock with non-lethal deterrents.

That's why we're collaborating with state and local officials in places like Oregon and Washington -- to find the best solutions possible for wolves as they begin to return to their native homes in these states.

That's why we're working to reform the Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services program -- to ensure these federal servants take a more balanced approach toward wildlife and move away from lethal control and adopt more non-lethal solutions.

Defenders supporters have already sent more than 50,000 messages to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, urging him to stop the ill-conceived plan to kill up to 75 wolves in Idaho from airplanes. And we've gathered more than 75,000 comments opposing Wyoming's shoot-on-sight wolf plan.

In the year ahead, we hope to expand all of these efforts for our wolves, but we need the help of compassionate Defenders supporters like you.

Will you join us with a year-end tax-deductible donation to support our fight to save America's wolves and other wildlife?

We're fighting the good fight for our wolves and other wildlife. Our fight is the longer, tougher road -- but ultimately the one that will ensure a safer future for our wolves and other wildlife.

Our work to save wolves and other wildlife is unique and ambitious -- and so is our goal. Help us raise $200,000 by 11:59 pm Eastern on December 31st to ensure that we can continue the fight for our wildlife and wild places into the new year.

Wildlife Supporter, if only 200 people from your state give just $20 or more, we can easily reach this goal. Will you help?

Please make a year-end, tax-deductible donation now to help save wolves and other wildlife.

Together, we can ensure a lasting future for America's wolves.

Jamie Rappaport Clark


Jamie Rappaport Clark
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. Make a secure tax-deductible donation for 2011 online now or by calling 1-800-385-9712 before 11:59 PM ET on Dec. 31st, and your donation will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.

1 http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec/14/nation/la-na-idaho-wolf-20111214
2 http://missoulian.com/news/local/montana-sportsmen-s-group-offers-per-dead-wolf/article_f8bdddb4-2b53-11e1-a6f4-001871e3ce6c.html
3 http://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2029140

 © Copyright 2011, Defenders of Wildlife

This message was sent to sweetygirl2002@uol.com.br.

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Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

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