Fwd: Save a national park from Big Coal

Em 2/10/2012 05:12:00 AM

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From: NRDC - Frances Beinecke <biogemsdefenders@savebiogems.org>


Save Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon

The Obama Administration is considering a plan to expand the Alton Coal Mine, located next to one of our country's greatest natural treasures. Tell them to reject the larger mine and save our Redrock wilderness!

Take action

Dear Anne,

The Obama Administration wants to drastically expand coal mining in the heart of Utah's stunning Redrock country -- a mere 10 miles from Bryce Canyon National Park, one of our country's greatest natural treasures.

Please send a message right away urging the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to reject the proposal to expand the Alton Coal Mine to almost ten times its current size.

Last year, the state of Utah gave approval for the Alton Coal Mine -- a dirty strip mine on 600 acres of private lands adjacent to Bryce Canyon -- despite opposition from local residents, conservation groups, and close to 44,000 BioGems Defenders.

NRDC rushed to court to challenge that approval. The case is still pending, but a new proposal would allow the Alton Development Company to expand mining operations to 3,500 acres of federal land in Redrock country, increasing the total amount of coal mined from six million tons to almost 50 million tons.

Local residents and businesses are deeply concerned about the Alton Mine's potential air and noise pollution, especially in such close proximity to Bryce National Park.

If the mine is allowed to expand, it could become a disaster for tourism, clean air and the health of nearby communities.

The BLM is inviting public input on its coal mining proposal until January 27th, so it's critical that you act right away.

Please send a message urging the agency to reject the plan to grow the Alton Coal Mine.

Thanks for taking action to protect our last western wildlands.

Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council



We appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other NRDC BioGems Defenders. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will never sell, exchange or rent your email address. 

Anne Brito

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