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| USA: Urgent Action! Wild Horses Need Your Support
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| Contact the Bureau of Land Management Today! | |
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| Dear Animal Advocates,
Congress declared in 1971 that wild horses and burros are an integral part of our public rangelands and mandated that the agency that manages them, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), should protect them as cultural icons. However, we continue to watch as they are rounded up, sometimes with harsh methods, and then sent to live in tax-funded holding facilities. That is not the free-roaming vision Congress set out for these majestic animals. The BLM has been intent on removing horses rather than preventing their population growth, and it is time for a big change in that approach.
The BLM is accepting public comments until January 20, 2012, on its draft Resource Management Plan (Plan) for the Lander (Wyoming) Field Office. The Plan will determine how to use 2.5 million acres of BLM-managed public lands in central Wyoming, which include seven Wild Horse Herd Management Areas. The decisions made now will affect wild horses for the next 15 to 20 years, and could set a precedent for wild horse management for millions of additional acres.
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| What You Can Do Please be a voice for our wild horses by urging the BLM to adopt policies that give horses their fair share of habitat and keep them on the range where they belong. It's easy to send your comments to the BLM's Lander (Wyoming) Field Office asking them to adopt the Plan's "Alternative B" as the best option for horses. Just visit ASPCA.org to see how simple and fast it is!
Thank you for your help for horses.
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This email was sent by: ASPCA 424 East 92nd Street New York, NY 10128 United States |
Anne Brito
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Não posso fazer tudo, mas posso fazer alguma coisa.
E por, não poder fazer tudo, não deixarei de fazer o pouco que posso."
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