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From: Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife <defenders@mail.defenders.org>
From: Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife <defenders@mail.defenders.org>
Dear Anne, There are few North American wild animals as iconic as wild bison. Once hunted to near extinction in one of the most shameful episodes in American history, only the bison of Yellowstone National Park survived in the American wild. Today this wild herd still numbers only around 3,500. But each winter, when they descend from the park in search of forage free of Yellowstone's deep snow, these magnificent animals are hazed back into the park, rounded up in holding pens or shipped to slaughter, all out of exaggerated fears that they could spread disease to cattle. With winter well under way now, Yellowstone's bison are once again at risk of hazing, capture or even slaughter as they search for food outside the park. Will you help them survive? Help fund our efforts to increase tolerance and expand habitat for wild bison around Yellowstone, and prepare new homes for Yellowstone's bison on tribal lands. Make a tax-deductible donation now. Last month, we achieved an important milestone in our efforts to restore wild bison to more places, when Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer approved moving 68 wild Yellowstone bison now in quarantine to tribal lands of Fort Belknap and Fort Peck Indian Reservations to start new conservation herds. Defenders staff played an important role in these negotiations and in working with tribes to prepare areas for bison, and caring supporters spoke up time and time again in support of the tribes' requests to help secure new homes for these bison. Unfortunately, our work is far from finished. We need to raise $40,000 in the next week to support our efforts to increase human tolerance and safeguard even more wild bison and other imperiled wildlife. To date, Defenders of Wildlife is the only national conservation group to help fund bison restoration on the tribal lands of the Assiniboine, Gros Venture and Sioux Tribes. In the months ahead, we aim to increase our efforts to protect this animal we consider to be one of the most important biological and cultural species in North America. Your contribution now will not only help offset the costs of completing the necessary fencing and other infrastructure needed to make their homes on tribal lands, but it will also support work to expand habitat for bison around Yellowstone National Park, oppose the annual hazing and slaughter of Yellowstone's wild bison, increase human tolerance, and advocate for other wildlife-saving initiatives. Anne, we need just 40 people in New York to make a tax-deductible donation of $20 or more to meet our goal and save bison. Will you help? Please donate now.
© Copyright 2012, Defenders of Wildlife Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at: |
Anne Brito
"Sou só uma, mas ainda assim sou uma.
Não posso fazer tudo, mas posso fazer alguma coisa.
E por, não poder fazer tudo, não deixarei de fazer o pouco que posso."
Nada + Nada = NADA
Pouco + Pouco = MUITO
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