Click here to view this online at our website. Dear Anne: I am one of IDA's investigators. For security and safety reasons I must protect my identity. I am unable to even sign my name at the end of this letter. I've just returned from a trip to South Korea where I engaged in dangerous undercover investigations. IDA's South Korean Dog and Cat Campaign is focusing on exposing the monstrous mistreatment of millions of dogs and cats who are slaughtered each year for profit and sold as food. Everywhere I turned paws reached through the bars, extending one last desperate gesture of friendship, begging me to take them. You can do nothing, and two million dogs will be tortured, slaughtered, and sold illegally as "health food" in 2012. Or you can do something. --IDA Undercover Investigator in South Korea | While I was in South Korea, an IDA team met with activists, enlisted new allies in our fight, and held talks with government officials to put an end to this horrific suffering. The terrible injustice being done to millions of innocent dogs and cats in South Korea must end – and I desperately need your help. Your urgent gift of $25 or more now will help IDA end this nightmarish practice once and for all. In making your life-saving donation today you will save countless dogs and cats - treasured individuals just like your own beloved animal companions ... who suffer horribly as they await their ghastly fate. There are no graphic photos in this letter. As a fellow animal lover, I spare you that pain. But the truth I personally witnessed MUST be revealed. In South Korea, nearly two million dogs are being slaughtered each year. It's all part of that country's sordid, sinister, and 100% illegal dog meat industry. Thousands of cats are killed too. And the driving force behind this cruel commerce will make your blood boil ...
In South Korea, our best friends are tortured, slaughtered, and sold as health food. And the leading proponent, I discovered, is a college professor who goes by the name of "Dr. Dog Meat"... It is as twisted as it sounds. Professor Ahn Yong-Keun's claim to fame: asserting that dog meat is South Korea's "single greatest health food." Picture the madness. The meat of severely abused dogs sold as medicinal tonics, and to feed the persistent myth of sexual prowess for men. It sickens the soul! Nowhere was the urgency of our mission more clear than when I went deep within South Korea to document the "dog farms." Arriving at one of thousands of such farms, my heart pounded. It was a descent into hell. The moment I entered the dark and squalid barn where dogs were kept, my eyes began to water: the stench of urine and feces and fear was overwhelming. First I passed the majestic, massive, Mastiff-like dogs called Dosa. There were too many to count, each noble face stretched taut in a never-ending grimace of agony. Next were the cages packed like sardines with "yellow dogs," or Nureongi, slumped hopelessly beside crusted mounds of excrement. Rusted wire cages held poodles, too. Their apricot fur was matted beyond recognition, and filthy clumps of it hung in front of their tiny, terror-stricken eyes. Animal companions, stolen or abandoned, are also routinely slaughtered for food. According to a dog trader, "when you butcher them, you can't tell whether they are pet dogs or meat dogs." The images haunt and are etched forever into my brain ... and onto my heart. Dogs bred in cages, then moved to market to be eaten. It's like a scene from a horror movie. Except... this is REAL. Please, if ever there was a time for you to give to IDA, this is it. It's been over seven years since IDA began our work in South Korea, after receiving a fateful letter. A South Korean woman had seen a beautiful white dog being torn apart, then told with a smile that the meat would be more tender the greater the dog suffered. She pleaded with us for help. We didn't turn away. (How could we?!) IDA has helped build South Korea's emerging animal-protection movement. Your donated dollars assisted with the purchase of a fully outfitted rescue van – now an integral part of countless daring dog and cat rescues – and a gleaming blue bus for education campaigns. Then recently, IDA supporters – thank you! – funded the medical treatment of dogs rescued from a slaughterhouse. Fox, Hopi, Hwang-Bo, and friends are now ready for adoption! IDA, with your help, will transport them to the U.S., as living symbols - the embodiment of what is possible. There are other individuals who have also been rescued from hellish places and are awaiting transport. Thus far, the dogs Angel, Moonbear (now adopted!), and Jenny, and Cleo the cat, have arrived in Los Angeles. Even though dog meat is 100% illegal, the government quietly sanctions this barbaric industry, and actually saves on waste removal by feeding to "meat dogs" all the garbage that hospitals, schools, and restaurants would normally throw away. Still, some kindhearted government officials are secretly sympathetic.
When the IDA team met with a source at South Korea's Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, he encouraged IDA to continue to raise public awareness with our South Korean partners and keep up our street campaigns. And he confessed that many South Koreans file complaints about the noise and smell of dog farms, but said the government doesn't get involved so it can avoid "culture clashes." With the recent surge in educational campaigns in South Korea ... with more and more young people refusing to eat anything made from dog meat ... with more and more South Koreans sharing their homes with beloved dog and cat companions ... The time is now. Will you give to save South Korea's dogs and cats? Here is how IDA will put your gift today to work:
Your tax-deductible donation will make possible IDA's bold, multi-pronged strategy to save South Korea's dogs and cats. Working with and assisting IDA's South Korean allies and colleagues, 1. IDA plans to help fund a first-of-its-kind, in-depth investigation into the dog meat industry to influence decision makers; 2. IDA will refute phony health claims of the dog meat industry – exposing the lies and abuse and corruption, and changing hearts and minds; 3. IDA will explore the environmental impact of dog farms, including the full effect of sewer and sanitation issues; 4. IDA will continue talks with key government officials from MIFAFF, to close legal loopholes and bring about an airtight ban on dog and cat meat; 5. IDA plans to provide logistical and other support in founding a sanctuary in South Korea. 6. IDA will continue to provide the much-needed medical support and treatment - of body and soul - for our rescued Angel, Cleo, and others, as well as for all transportation costs to the States. For the innocent dogs and cats of South Korea and on behalf of all of us at IDA,  Unsigned for Security Purposes Undercover Investigator In Defense of Animals |
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