Fwd: Make Pet Adoption Your First Option

Em 3/01/2012 04:34:00 AM

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From: ASPCA <website@aspcaemail.org>
Date: 2012/2/7
Subject: Make Pet Adoption Your First Option

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Make Pet Adoption Your First Option®!
Become An ASPCA Guardian Help Animals Like Simba
Awarding grants is one of the most important ways the ASPCA helps animals across the country. In 2011, we were able to improve the lives of millions of animals, awarding more than $15 million to animal welfare organizations in every single state.
Helping animals find loving forever homes and drastically decreasing the number of unwanted pets are two of our top priorities. By becoming an ASPCA Guardian, and making a monthly gift, you can help us continue to save lives with our nationwide adoption initiatives.
Here are just a few of the hundreds of adoption grants we were able to give in 2011, thanks to the contributions of our dedicated supporters:
Oregon Humane Society in Portland, Oregon
$180,500 to fund a neighborhood-targeted program to save Portland's cats and pit bulls
Humane Society of Greater Miami and Dade County Society in North Miami Beach, Florida
$300,000 for the Veterinary Care Assistance Fund for shelter and community animals
Cleveland Animal Protective League in Cleveland, Ohio
$75,000 for an adoptions marketing campaign
Shelby Humane Society in Columbiana, Alabama
$50,000 to fund "ID Me," a return-to-owner research project and pet ID program
We understand that monthly giving may not be possible for everyone. However, even a small, one-time gift will empower us to go where we're needed most.
Thank you for your compassionate commitment to animals.
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Always remember to Make Pet Adoption Your First Option®!
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This email was sent by: ASPCA
424 East 92nd Street New York, NY, 10128, United States

Anne Brito

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