Fwd: Obama can stop the wolf slaughter

Em 3/01/2012 04:07:00 AM

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From: Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife <defenders@mail.defenders.org>

Save America's Wolves

Tell Obama to Stop the Aerial Wolf Killing Plan in Idaho

 Gray Wolf (Photo: Harry Bosen)

Planned aerial killing to artificially boost game populations will target wolves in Idaho. As many as two thirds of the wolves in the Lolo District of Clearwater National Forest could be killed… unless we can stop them.


Take Action!


Urge President Obama to direct Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to deny Idaho's request for federal resources to carry out the Lolo aerial wolf cull.


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Dear Defender of Wildlife,

Will your tax dollars pay for an ill-conceived aerial wolf cull in Northeastern Idaho – an unscientific plan to boost game populations that could kill as many as two thirds of the wolves in the Lolo District of the Clearwater National Forest?

Tell President Obama to stop aerial wolf killing in Idaho before it starts. Send your message right now.

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has asked federal officials at Wildlife Services to use helicopters, sharpshooters and your tax dollars to find, target and kill most of the wolves in this wild area of Idaho.

President Obama can save these wolves. He need only direct Wildlife Services to deny Idaho's request.

Ask President Obama to stop Wildlife Services from spending federal tax dollars on this ill-conceived aerial wolf killing plan designed to artificially boost game populations.

The wolf killing could begin within days – on our National Forests and paid for with your tax dollars – so please send your message now.

When President Obama took office in 2009, he promised to put science first in the management of America's wildlife and natural resources. Now he has a chance to do just that by rejecting Idaho's request for federal resources to kill wolves.

The President need only recognize the importance of ensuring sustainable populations of these ecologically important and iconic animals and reject Idaho's attempts to artificially boost game numbers.

If we're going to stop this wasteful wolf cull, President Obama needs to hear from as many caring people as possible. Please send your message today and help us send at least 75,000 messages to the White House by the end of the week.

Speak out for wolves and against using federal tax dollars to kill wolves in Idaho. Send your message now.

With Gratitude,

Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife Jamie Rappaport Clark
Defenders of Wildlife
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