Fwd: Save seals' Arctic homes

Em 3/01/2012 04:08:00 AM

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From: Emily Fisher, Oceana <wavemaker@oceana.org>

Take Action to Protect the World's Oceans

Dear Anne,

Keep Seals Safe

Keep oil drills out of the Arctic—sign by February 5»

Seals are perfectly suited to their Arctic environment, with thick coats and streamlined bodies, perfect for both swimming in cold water and hanging out on the ice for a rest. But they are not suited for oil.

All it will take is one spill to ruin the homes of thousands of seals, whales and other animals. Seals and whales coming up to breathe could find toxic fumes instead of fresh air. Oil caught in seals' fur could destroy their insulation and even cause them to freeze to death.

Keep seals' homes clean and safe. Sign today to prevent drilling in the Arctic»

The Department of the Interior is considering offshore oil leasing in Arctic waters, but there's still time to get the Department to change its mind. The answer is clear. Even the US Coast Guard has said there is no good way to clean up oil in icy waters. We can't take the risk.

Don't let seals suffer because of oil. Sign by February 5 and tell the US government to keep oil drills out of the Arctic »

Emily Fisher For the oceans,
Emily Fisher


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Anne Brito

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