Fwd: Tell Interior to keep airguns and drill rigs out of the Polar Bear Seas

Em 3/04/2012 12:59:00 PM

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From: NRDC - Frances Beinecke <biogemsdefenders@savebiogems.org>


Dear Anne,

Say No to Drilling in the Arctic!
Polar bears on ice

The Interior and Commerce Departments have issued a draft environmental impact statement that would promote more drilling in the Polar Bear Seas. Tell them to go back to the drawing board and choose the "No Action" alternative.

Take action

It's more bad news for polar bears and other Arctic wildlife.

First, the Obama Administration gave Shell tentative approval to explore for oil this summer in Alaska's Polar Bear Seas -- the Beaufort and the Chukchi.

Now the Interior and Commerce Departments have issued a draft analysis of offshore drilling in the Arctic that could pave the way for other oil companies to start drilling.

Send a message to the Interior and Commerce Departments to strengthen their draft environmental impact statement and prohibit oil and gas exploration in the Polar Bear Seas.

The agencies' draft analysis grossly underestimates the dire risks of drilling in sensitive Arctic waters.

Federal officials would have us believe that oil and gas activity in the Polar Bear Seas would cause only "minor to moderate" impacts on polar bears, bowhead whales, walrus and other vulnerable wildlife.

But the oil giants plan to use high-powered airguns that emit deafening noise -- loud enough to disrupt the feeding and breeding activities of whales hundreds of miles away.

And an uncontained oil spill in these ice-filled waters could be catastrophic.

Polar bears swimming in thickly-oiled waters will most certainly die. Whales and dolphins would suffocate as their blowholes fill with oil. A spill could blanket the coastline with a layer of toxic oil for generations to come.

The Interior and Commerce Departments are inviting our input until February 28, so please send a message today.

Tell them to choose the "No Action" alternative and keep exploratory drilling and airgun use out of the Polar Bear Seas.

Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council



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Anne Brito

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