Fwd: USA: Tell Your Rep to Ban Double-Decked Horse Transport!

Em 3/04/2012 01:06:00 AM

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From: ASPCA <website@aspcaemail.org>
Date: 2012/2/13
Subject: USA: Tell Your Rep to Ban Double-Decked Horse Transport!

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ASPCA Lobby for Animals
New Amendment Endangers Horses and Motorists
Urgent: America's Horses Need Your Voice
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Dear Animal Advocates,

Double-decked trailers are dangerous and inhumane when used to transport horses.

Double-decked trailers are designed for cattle and other short-necked livestock—not horses. Because horses are tall and require more head room, these trailers simply do not provide enough space for them to stand upright, leading to unstable footing, falls, injuries, trampling and death.

The U.S. House of Representatives is considering a large transportation bill (H.R. 7) that includes an ASPCA-supported provision to ban the use of double-decked trailers to transport horses, regardless of their destination. Alarmingly, just a few hours ago Rep. Gardner (R-CO) submitted an amendment to remove this language. Please help us make sure the Gardner Amendment is rejected!

What You Can Do
Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online to quickly email your U.S. representative right now. Don't delay; if you wait to act, it could be too late!

Ask your rep to reject the Gardner Amendment when it reaches the House floor. Say that you are a constituent and you strongly urge him/her to support legislation to protect horses, including a ban on the use of double-decked trailers for horses.

Thank you for standing up for America's horses!


This email was sent by: ASPCA
424 East 92nd Street New York, NY 10128 United States

Anne Brito

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