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Tatiana Marshall, Oceana <wavemaker@oceana.org> Date: 2011/9/1
Subject: Arctic Drilling Threatens Seals
Dear Anne, Arctic Oil Drilling is Deadly for Seals
Oil companies are clamoring to start drilling in Arctic seas, threatening seals' homes and their lives. Spilled oil on seals' fur would remove their power of insulation and they could freeze to death. Inhaled oil and toxic fumes could keep seals from breathing properly, leading to painful and slow deaths.  Help us reach our goal of 20,000 signatures – take action NOW to save seals from oil drills » | Connect with Oceana | Stay up to date with all things Oceana on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.    |  | Victory! Oregon Passes Shark Fin Ban Earlier this month, Oregon's governor signed a bill banning all trade, sale, and possession of shark fins in the state. With one less state serving shark fin soup, at-risk sharks now have a better chance at survival. Read more about this victory » | Oceana Explores Chilean Island This year crew from our office in Chile sailed to Alexander Selkirk, an island with incredible biodiversity and little protection. The video of our expedition shows that this little-known island is an ocean paradise that needs protected. See stunning underwater video » | Mediterranean Expedition This summer, Oceana took the Ranger on an expedition to explore seamounts and sea canyons in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. We discovered a deep-sea coral reef, identified carnivorous sponges, and conducted invaluable research in previously unexplored environments. See pictures and learn more about our expedition » | Take Our Seafood Fraud Quiz on Facebook! In honor of our new seafood fraud campaign, we've created a Facebook application to test your seafood smarts. How much do you know about seafood fraud? Click here to take the quiz » | Oceana on Swipegood Use your credit card to save the oceans! Sign up with SwipeGood to round up all of your debit or credit card purchases to the nearest dollar and then donate the difference to Oceana. Sign up to donate today » | |
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