Dear Anne, Right now, Shell and other oil companies are laying the groundwork to start drilling – right in the middle of seal feeding grounds.
If we don't act, the Arctic waters where seals and their pups hunt and swim could become a wasteland, covered in oil. And if that oil gets on a seal's coat, it can destroy its ability to insulate from the cold, even causing the seal to freeze to death. It's clear that drilling in the Arctic – and the inevitable oil spill it would bring – could have devastating consequences for seals and the other wildlife who call it home. And even the Coast Guard agrees it would be nearly impossible for Shell to clean up a spill in the remote, icy waters. That's why we're not giving up the fight to stop this offshore drilling. But we need your help to keep up the fight in the courtroom, in the halls of Congress, and all the way to the White House.
The future of the Arctic is hanging in the balance. That's why we are looking for 18 more donors from your state by October 6 – can we count on you? » Each summer, healthy seals, whales, and other animals migrate to the Arctic. And at that exact moment, oil companies will start to drill. Shell says that they can clean up 95% of any Arctic oil spills and our government is taking their word for it – even though a recent leak at a Shell platform dumped over 50,000 gallons into the North Sea and they hardly cleaned up a drop. And if Shell can't clean up their oily mess, the job falls to the Coast Guard. Their nearest response center is more than a thousand miles away and, according to government experts, tools like skimmers and booms don't work in the Arctic. There is no reliable and proven cleanup plan for an Arctic oil spill. With your help, we're fighting to stop further lease sales to oil companies, rally activists to put pressure on government regulators, and demand that our government requires tested and proven oil spill response plans – before any drilling can begin. This fight is too important to lose. Please donate $30 today to help us protect our oceans »
I hope I can count on you to stand with us. For the oceans, Tatiana Marshall Oceana   |
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