Fwd: Ukraine, Stop Burning Animals Alive!

Em 9/29/2011 03:11:00 AM

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From: Care2 Action Alerts <actionalerts@care2.com>
Date: 2011/9/29
Subject: Ukraine, Stop Burning Animals Alive!


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Dear Anne,

The city Lysychansk in Eastern Ukraine is shooting and burning animals alive as part of Football Preparations for Eurofoot 2012.

Demand that President Viktor Yanukovych stop this atrocity. »
The captured animals are thrown alive into the mobile oven in temperatures up to 900 degrees Celsius. According to locals, the dogs and cats are burned alive.

When she heard this story, Care2 activist Nyack C. created a petition. She writes:

How is it authorities can ignore the Law on Cruelty to Animals and systematically exterminate animals by shooting and burning them alive in a mobile crematorium? Help us stop this animal holocaust and sign the petition letting Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych know the world is aware he is allowing this.

Save the dogs and cats of the Ukraine from being burned alive. »

Thank you for taking action!

Kathleen J.
Care2 Campaign Team

P.S. Have an issue you care about? Create a petition with us and share your passion with others!

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Anne Brito

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