Fwd: The biggest threat sea turtles have ever faced

Em 1/01/2012 03:57:00 AM
---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: "Tatiana Marshall, Oceana" <wavemaker@oceana.org>
Data: 28/12/2011 10:01
Assunto: The biggest threat sea turtles have ever faced
Para: "Anne Brito" <akmb1987@gmail.com>

Take Action to Protect the World's Oceans

Dear Anne,

Protect sea turtles from extinction

Donate now and help us reach our $100,000 goal to protect sea turtles, coral reefs, and the oceans we share»

For millions of years, sea turtles have survived natural disasters, predators, and ice ages – even the extinction of the dinosaurs. But they may have finally met the one danger they can't beat: Humans.

Between oil spills, the shrimpers who use illegal fishing gear, and climate change, times are tougher than ever for sea turtles – every one of the six species in North America is endangered or threatened.

But there is hope. Powered by your donation, Oceana will continue to be the watchdog for sea turtles in 2012 and beyond.  Will you make a tax-deductible gift today?

Thanks to your support, Oceana serves as an effective watchdog for sea turtles, uncovering illegal fishing and winning important new habitat protections worldwide. Just this summer, our researchers discovered that nearly 20% of shrimp boats in the Gulf of Mexico were killing almost 90% of the sea turtles in their path.

Many of these shrimpers are breaking a law that requires them to include turtle escape hatches in their nets. Others included the escape hatches, yet shockingly intentionally sewed them shut.

Almost 5,000 loggerhead sea turtles have been killed because some fishermen are breaking the law.

Without Oceana, those shrimpers might never have been found out. But because of the dogged research that your support made possible, we got the information needed to hold the National Marine Fisheries Service accountable and to stop sea turtle assaults like this one.

From habitat protection to standing as an aggressive watchdog, we know what it takes to help endangered and threatened sea turtles thrive rather than go extinct – but we can't do it alone, Anne. A mission this big requires every one of us to pitch in.

Our budget projections show we have to raise $100,000 by midnight, December 31st, to run vital turtle efforts in 2012 – and already, supporters like you have given $19,289.

It's those donations that make our turtle-saving work possible – will you help us reach our goal by making a year-end gift to Oceana right now?

Your tax-deductible donation will help protect sea turtles and our oceans today and tomorrow, giving our children and grandchildren the oceans they deserve.

Tatiana Marshall For the oceans,
Tatiana Marshall


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