Fwd: Tell Cruise Ships to Stop Dumping Filth Into Our Oceans!

Em 1/07/2012 09:53:00 PM

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From: Kathleen J., Care2 Action Alerts <actionalerts@care2.com>
Date: 2012/1/5
Subject: Tell Cruise Ships to Stop Dumping Filth Into Our Oceans!

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Hi Anne,

Have you been to the beach lately? Remember the great feeling of dunking your face beneath the waves? What about when you think about the 21,000 pounds of untreated sewage that the average cruise ship dumps every day, sometimes less than three miles from shore? »

Even if you don't live near a coast, the cumulative pollution from cruise ships affects us all.

Tell cruise ships that it's time to clean up their act. »

Every single day, a single ship dumps one ton of garbage, 6,400 gallons of oily bilge water, and 25 pounds of batteries, fluorescent lights, medical wastes, and expired chemicals into our oceans. And that's just one ship. »

The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) recently singled out AIDA and TUI, two German cruise lines, for being especially environmentally filthy. It's time for them to update their filtration systems to stop spewing waste into our oceans.

Tell AIDA and TUI to help pave the way to make cruise lines better for our oceans. »

Thanks for taking action!


Tell Cruise Ships To Stop Destroying Our Oceans

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