Fwd: Give Belugas Room to Breathe

Em 1/07/2012 10:09:00 PM

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From: Emily Fisher, Oceana <wavemaker@oceana.org>
Date: 2012/1/6
Subject: Give Belugas Room to Breathe

Take Action to Protect the World's Oceans

Dear Anne,

Keep Belugas Breathing

Tell the US not to allow drilling in Arctic waters»

A beluga whale can hold its breath for a long time—it has to, living in ice covered seas. But it can't hold its breath forever. Eventually it will have to surface for air, a task that could prove treacherous if Arctic waters are polluted by oil.

Let's give belugas room to breathe. Sign today to prevent drilling in Arctic waters»

An oil spill in the Arctic would create a deadly layer of toxic fumes that would be inhaled by whales surfacing for air. Finding pockets of air to breathe is hard for animals that live below ice like belugas—putting oil in these places could mean a slow death for these majestic creatures.

The Department of the Interior has just drafted a plan for offshore oil leasing in Arctic waters, despite the clear dangers of an oil spill in such a remote area. There are simply not enough resources to clean up a spill so far from civilization, and no one knows how to clean up oil in frozen waters.

If oil is spilled in the Arctic, belugas will suffer. But there is still time to make a difference and keep the Arctic safe. Sign by January 9 and tell the US government to keep oil drills out of the Arctic »

Emily Fisher For the oceans,
Emily Fisher


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