Fwd: Dolphins dragged under, gasping for air

Em 4/07/2012 03:16:00 AM

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From: Emily Fisher, Oceana <wavemaker@oceana.org>

Take Action to Protect the World's Oceans

Dear Anne,

They just can't escape the nets

Fishing nets can be deadly to dolphins, but we can protect them.

Donate by Wednesday to make a difference for dolphins »

Dolphins are smart. They're emotional. And they are drowning in fishing nets off our coasts.

They swim, care-free, until fishermen with big nets come along and drag them down. Too often, they can't get any air until it's too late.

The worst part is this is happening right off our shores. How many more will we lose in 2012?  The answer depends on you.

Free dolphins from fishing nets. Donate today to protect dolphins from drowning»

Despite living in water, dolphins breathe air just like us. And after about 15 minutes of struggle to escape a wall of nets, a dolphin that can't rise for air will die. It's an ugly death, and it happens all the time.

More must be done to reduce the number of dolphins and other marine mammals maimed and killed by commercial fisheries. That's where you come in.    

We've already won some protections for dolphins. Last year Oceana won a court case that required the entire northeast US coast to report catches of dolphins and other untargeted animals. We banned Mediterranean driftnets, large nets that trap everything in their paths. And we convinced the government of Chile to place professional observers on fishing fleets.

But we're not done yet. Despite these victories, dangerous fishing practices still continue and dolphins are still dying. We need to keep fighting, and we need your help.

Donate by March 21 and help make a difference for dolphins and the oceans»

Emily FisherGratefully,
Emily Fisher


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Anne Brito

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