tell Congress to help wild animals in circuses

Em 4/07/2012 03:25:00 AM

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Help Wild Animals In Circuses
Join IDA For A Week Of Action

Today - use the form at this link to send comments to your U.S. Representative.

Cole Brothers Circus tigerJoin IDA for a week of action starting Tuesday, March 20, to save animals from the misery of circus life. Participate in a variety of actions in support of H.R. 3359, the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act (TEAPA). This ground-breaking bill would effectively end the use of wild animals in traveling circuses in the United States!

elephant Ned performingAnimals in circuses are cruelly trained, chained and intensively confined, and forced to travel and perform. Denied all that is natural to them, they suffer physically and psychologically, and often develop abnormal behaviors such as repetitive rocking, swaying and pacing.

Click here now to send a message to your U.S. Representative!

TEAPA is at a critical stage and we need your support to see that it becomes law. The bill has been sent to the Agriculture Committee of the House of Representatives, where the resistance will be tough. But with your help, we can move the bill out of this committee and move one step closer to ending the suffering of exotic animals in circuses.

what you can do graphicTell Congress it's time to join the many countries that ban the use of exotic animals in circuses including Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Singapore, Costa Rica, Peru, Bolivia.

  1. Use the form at this link to send an urgent message to your Congressional Representative asking her/him to support this life-saving bill.
  2. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your Representative's office. (Please do not call your Senator at this time as a companion bill in the Senate has not yet been introduced.) Click here and then enter your zip code to find your Representative.
  3. Please tell us about your elected official's response by sending an email to
  4. Use the "tell-a-friend" link at the top of this alert to share this with friends, family, and colleagues!

Thank you for acting to stop the suffering of wild animals in traveling circuses!

In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa.

In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible.

In Defense of Animals
3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901
Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031

Anne Brito

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Não posso fazer tudo, mas posso fazer alguma coisa.

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