Fwd: Kenya, Stop Destroying the Nests of Sea Turtles!

Em 12/29/2011 05:41:00 AM

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From: Kathleen J., Care2 Action Alerts <actionalerts@care2.com>
Date: 2011/12/23
Subject: Kenya, Stop Destroying the Nests of Sea Turtles!

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Hi Anne,

Tourism is booming in Kenya, which is excellent news for the country's economy. But even as tourists flood the country, developers are ravaging the habitats of endangered sea turtles.

Protect Kenyan sea turtles today. »

Legal and illegal developments are springing up all along the coast, spoiling what were once pristine beaches and ruining turtle nesting grounds. 

Turtles already face tremendous threats, from pollution, climate change, hunting, egg collection and plastic waste.The last thing they need is to lose yet more nesting grounds. 

Kenya needs to look after its ocean wildlife, as much for the sake of its own future economy as for the wildlife itself.

Call on Kenya to promote sustainable tourism before it's too late. »

Thanks for taking action!


Kenya, Stop Destroying Sea Turtles' Nesting Grounds!
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Anne Brito

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