Fwd: Tell President Obama to protect our national forests

Em 12/07/2011 12:09:00 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NRDC - Frances Beinecke <biogemsdefenders@savebiogems.org>
Date: 2011/12/6
Subject: Tell President Obama to protect our national forests

Natural Resources Defense Council

Dear Anne,

Help Defend Our National Forests Tell President Obama to protect our national forests

We need your immediate help to defend America's national forests.

The Obama Administration is poised to adopt new rules for their management that would drop key protections for wildlife and watersheds.

Please ask President Obama to uphold the existing rules that have protected wildlife in our national forests for decades and mandate much-needed watershed safeguards.

Consisting of 192 million acres, the country's national forests provide crucial habitat for imperiled wolves and grizzlies, as well as more than 400 other threatened or endangered species.

Over the years, you and I have waged many successful campaigns to protect the wildlands and wildlife of our country's federal forests, including Alaska's Tongass National Forest, the Sierra Nevada, and ancient forests in the Pacific Northwest.

We've been able to save these wild places time and again thanks to a management rule that limits logging and other development in our national forest system.

But the new rules proposed by the Forest Service tear away that safety net and give wide discretion to the agency to open up our public lands to logging, drilling and mining.

And once our wild forests are gone, they're gone forever.

The president needs to weigh in on the proposed rule in the next few weeks, so it's critical that you act today.

Send President Obama a message urging him to maintain the strongest possible protections for our national forest system.

Thank you for taking action to defend America's forest heritage.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council


We appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other NRDC BioGems Defenders. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will never sell, exchange or rent your email address.

Anne Brito

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