Fwd: News About Animals - December 22, 2011

Em 12/29/2011 05:40:00 AM

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From: In Defense of Animals <idainfo@idausa.org>
Date: 2011/12/22
Subject: News About Animals - December 22, 2011

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December 22, 2011

Elephants Tina and JewelMany Accomplishments For Animals In 2011

As an IDA supporter, YOU were an integral part of many victories for animals in 2011. Together we accomplished good things for elephants in captivity, dogs and cats in South Korea, chimpanzees in laboratories, deer, feral cats, and so many more! Please click here for a summary of what we did together this year, and our plans for next year. As always, thank you for your continuing support and confidence in IDA!

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Hero for animals Bea ArthurThank You Bea Arthur, A True Hero For Animals

Beatrice Arthur, star of stage and screen best known to most of us for her classic sit-com character "Maude," died in 2009 at the age of 86. Her son, Matt Saks, recently presented IDA with a gift of $25,000 from her estate. IDA's Bill Dyer, a friend of Bea Arthur's since 1973 when they worked together on the Tony Awards, accepted the check for IDA. Please click here to read more, including how we plan to use Bea's generosity to help animals.

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Hope Animal Sanctuary Spay/Neuter DayAdopt, Don't Shop, And Please Support Spay/Neuter Programs

Six to eight million dogs and cats, by some estimates, enter U.S. shelters each year. While wide variations in accounting methods make exact numbers very difficult to ascertain, roughly half of them are euthanized.

The most important thing you can do to reverse this trend is to support spay and neuter efforts in your community. Find a good local program and donate your time to help. Become a messenger in your community for spay/neuter programs, by supporting them where they exist, or working to start them where they don't. Convince your neighbors and elected representatives that funding spay/neuter is the most cost-effective way to help dogs and cats. Write letters to the editor supporting increased public funding for low-cost spay/neuter.

Next best thing you can do is adopt furry family members from shelters, rather than supporting pet stores and breeders. There is no good reason to ever choose a pet store or breeder when so many animals in shelters need homes. Click here to read more and post your own thoughts on our blog.

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Elephant ride, bullhookGood News For Elephants In Florida And California

The City Commission of Margate, Florida, unanimously voted to ban the use of bullhooks, electric prods and other cruel tools typically used on elephants in circuses, calling them "painful techniques and devices." Without these weapons, circuses are unable to use elephants for performances and rides. Margate joins other progressive Florida cities that have enacted ordinances that prohibit the bullhook or live animal displays, including Pompano Beach, Hollywood, Lauderdale Lakes and Weston.

After 25 years, the Santa Ana Zoo in California is ending elephant rides. The rides were operated by the company Have Trunk Will Travel, whose owner and employees were caught on video repeatedly striking elephants with bullhooks and using an electric shock device on an elephant during training. IDA applauds the City of Santa Ana for putting an end to this archaic and unacceptable exploitation of endangered Asian elephants.

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In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, Mumbai, India, and Cameroon, Africa.

In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible.

In Defense of Animals
3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901
Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031

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Anne Brito

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