Fwd: Tell Hungary: Being Homeless Is Not A Crime!

Em 12/13/2011 01:22:00 AM

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From: Kathleen J., Care2 Action Alerts <actionalerts@care2.com>
Date: 2011/12/13
Subject: Tell Hungary: Being Homeless Is Not A Crime!


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Hi Anne,

In Budapest, Hungary, the Mayor of the 8th District, Mate Kocis, recently passed a regulation that makes being homeless a crime. According to the BBC, homeless people can be arrested, imprisoned and forced to pay a $600 fine.

Tell Hungary that this is just plain wrong. »

The BBC states that the only reason why this law passed was because the public did not want to deal with the homeless anymore. Because this district is one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Budapest, this new law will have a devastating effect on thousands of people.

Being economically disadvantaged is not a crime and should not be considered one. But that is just what this legislation is doing: criminalizing the poor. The homeless need support, not to be considered criminals or nuisances to society.

Tell the Hungarian president that being homeless is not a crime. »

Thanks for taking action!


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Tell Hungary That Being Homeless is Not a Crime!

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Anne Brito

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