From: Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife <>
Date: 2011/12/20
Subject: Urgent Wolf Action: Save the Lolo 75 from Aerial Gunning
As many of us prepare for the holidays, federal sharpshooters are preparing to take to the skies of Northern Idaho in an ill-conceived attempt to kill as many as 75 wolves to artificially boost game populations. Idaho's wolf-killing plan is unscientific and misplaced, but the Obama Administration appears to be going along with it. To stop the killing, Defenders of Wildlife is launching a flash mobilization campaign. Speak out now to save these wolves. Urge United States Department of Agriculture head Tom Vilsack to stop the killing before it begins. The proposed plan – requested by state officials in Idaho – is for Wildlife Services, a program under Secretary Vilsack's supervision, to use federal staff, helicopters and other aircraft to gun down wolves in the Lolo region and the Clearwater National Forest – public lands also under Secretary Vilsack's supervision that belong to you and me. Conservation groups like Defenders have sought for years to protect wolves from unscientific persecution like the actions that led to their endangerment in the first place. So why is the Obama Administration continuing these outdated, pointless practices? Help save the Lolo wolves. Take action now. The stated reason for the wolf-killing plan is that some believe that wolves are reducing elk numbers. But elk numbers began decreasing in the area long before wolves returned, as suitable elk habitat in the area declined due to natural changes. A lack of sound science isn't stopping anti-wolf extremists from declaring war on the Lolo wolves. On December 14th, Ron Gillett of the Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition told The Los Angeles Times bluntly that: "We want these wolves dead." Wildlife Services is participating in the plan under a cloud of controversy, since a 2006 photo (below) came to attention. The photo shows a small plane covered in scores of wolf decals indicating the number of wolves that have been shot down by federal agents in the plane. Federal officials say that the stickers have since been removed and have stated that their mission is to resolve conflicts between humans and wildlife and to help create a balance that allows coexistence with reduced damage. But by helping to implement Idaho's plan, the agency has not changed and continues to count "paw prints" as a measure of success. It still prioritizes killing wolves and other predators and puts almost no resources into nonlethal strategies to reduce conflicts. The only change may be that under the Obama Administration Wildlife Services is expanding from killing wolves for killing livestock to killing wolves for killing elk. The federal taxpayer should not be getting into the business of artificially boosting game populations, particularly during this time of shrinking budgets and program cuts! Because of the controversy surrounding the Lolo wolf killing plan, Defenders and our allies have a unique opportunity right now to not only save these wolves, but also to advance a more scientific, wildlife-friendly approach to wolf management in Idaho and the West. But we can't do it without you. To help stop the killing, we need to send at least 50,000 messages to Secretary Vilsack before Christmas Day. If you -- and just two of your friends who care about wolves -- will take action, we can easily meet our goal and send a loud clear message to restore science and integrity to wolf management efforts. Help save as many as 75 wolves in Idaho and support sound, science-based decision-making in wolf management. Please take action now. With Gratitude,
© Copyright 2011, Defenders of Wildlife Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at: |
Anne Brito
"Sou só uma, mas ainda assim sou uma.
Não posso fazer tudo, mas posso fazer alguma coisa.
E por, não poder fazer tudo, não deixarei de fazer o pouco que posso."
Nada + Nada = NADA
Pouco + Pouco = MUITO
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